Produce Finished HVAC Duct with Less Chance for Leaks with Pro-Fabriduct®

The Pro-Fabriduct Full Coil Line® from Iowa Precision is the most advanced complete coil line in the HVAC industry today. The line leverages footprint, speed, and production rates along with tolerances that no other HVAC coil line can match. And now, the Pro-Fabriduct Full Coil Line produces duct with a full-width longitudinal seam, significantly reducing the chances of leakage in the transverse joint (up to 25%). With the Pro-Fabriduct Full Coil Line, you can produce a better product (one with tangible benefits for your customers) while reducing your postproduction labor costs.ProFabriduct-1024x600

Full-Width Longitudinal Seam Production: What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?

Most HVAC duct leakage occurs at the notch hole that is produced at the top and bottom of the longitudinal seams of a duct section at the transverse duct flange, which is connected to the fan or the unit. The Pro-Fabriduct Full Coil Line has undergone a combination of modifications to the processor, transfer system, and hydraulic servo wrap brake that allow it to produce a full-engagement longitudinal seam. This innovation allows you to deliver finished duct with substantially less chance of leakage in the corners of the transverse joint.

Full-Width Longitudinal Seam Production can substantially reduce the chance of leakage with a greater deliverable, producing greater output with less input and creating less chance of human error. The Full-Width Longitudinal Seam Production is applicable to our 5’ line, with 4’ or 5’ stock, and can be either Large-Pittsburgh and Small-Pittsburgh or Large-Pittsburgh and Snaplock. The elimination of the notch hole on the top and bottom of 4’ and 5’ duct sections allows the male edge to extend full length of the longitudinal seam.

Testing for Leak-Reducing Efficiency

Our testing in conjunction with SMACNA has shown that the Full Width Longitudinal Seam Ducts produced with the Pro-Fabriduct Full Coil Line demonstrate a 25% reduction in the chance of leakage across different gauges and different size ducts.

Over 4.5 Million lbs. of Commercial TDF Ductwork was installed with a stringent leak test requirement of ½ of ½ percent leakage. There were over 800 leak tests performed on this high-profile project. The contractor who manufactured 4.5 million lbs. passed all 800 tests and attributed a portion of the success to the new technology from the Pro-Fabriduct with Full Width Longitudinal Seam Production.

Duct Prefabrication with the Pro-Fabriduct

The Pro-Fabriduct can dramatically enhance your prefabrication capabilities to give your operation a competitive advantage. Pre-assembling ductwork in a controlled environment prior to shipping leads better to quality, just in time fabrication, less inventory on the job site, and a significant reduction in labor costs. The innovative Pro-Fabriduct was designed with this growing prefabrication trend in mind with a full-width inline plasma for taps, collars, and access doors all from shop detail drawings and much more. 

Click here for more information about the Iowa Precision Pro-Fabriduct.