The Mestek Machinery Blog

Improving Rectangular Duct Product Quality with Automation

Written by Mike Bailey | December 24, 2020

Of course, productivity and safety are important, but if your machine can’t produce high quality end products, those benefits are more or less negated. Therefore, you’ll also need to look for a machine that that provides quality pieces in a consistent manner which helps in the downstream process and field installation. In this post, we'll discuss improving rectangular duct product quality with automation features in your coil line.

Machine Automation and Duct Quality

One of the best indicators of a machine that can produce quality products is automation. By taking manual steps out of the process and replacing them with automated procedures that can be finely tuned and replicated precisely, the best machines and put out consistent products with few to no defects, even at high operating speeds. The best coil lines on the market can eliminate up to 10 manual steps from a more traditional duct and fitting fabrication process. The more streamlined and automated your process is, the smaller chance there is for malfunction or error.